CleverPlato Refunds and Returns Policy

We want you to be happy with your purchases on CleverPlato Platforms. Please ensure you understand our refunds and returns policies:

1. Digital goods and services

1.1 Purchases on CleverPlato platform

CleverPlato refunds and returns policies are applicable to products that are bought and paid for on CleverPlato website only. 

We do not refund or do returns on digital products. However:

We will replace or fix your access to the digital product you purchased if it is faulty or in error, to ensure you can enjoy the product or service.

1.2 Purchases on 3rd party seller's websites redirected via CleverPlato platform

Please ensure you understand the returns and refunds policies of sellers when you buy products on their websites, as their policies may differ from CleverPlato.

CleverPlato do not refund or manage returns of any products that were bought on 3rd party seller's websites.  

CleverPlato does not guarantee, warrantee or endorse any products or sellers on the marketplace. Product and services are based on our Term and Conditions.

Updated: 4 April 2024