About CleverPlato

Welcome to CleverPlato! Where Opportunity Meets AI.

Our mantra, “Where Opportunity Meets AI,” reflects our commitment to bridging the gap between AI advancements and practical applications in the business world.


CleverPlato includes 2 platforms for businesses and professionals:

CleverPlato AI Marketplace 

Explore the forefront of innovation with CleverPlato AI Marketplace dedicated to Artificial Intelligence (AI) related products and services for businesses.

Our purpose is to provide a platform for AI solution providers to educate, market and sell their products and services to business customers.


CleverPlato AI Magazine

CleverPlato AI Magazine is dedicated to exploring the ever-evolving world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As an online publication tailored for businesses and professionals, we offer insightful yet practical articles and though leadership. We also cover AI professionals and company profiles to highlight and celebrate excellence.   

Our purpose is to inform, educate and enable businesses and professionals in understanding and applying AI-related technologies to succeed.


Our vision

Our vision is to be the most recognized platform for AI-related technologies serving  businesses and solution providers.


Our company

CleverPlato is an operating brand of PGC - Piilo Group Canada Ltd.


Our trademark

CleverPlato has been trademarked. Please contact us to use our brand or request a logo.

CleverPlato logo

Our office

CleverPlato offices are based in downtown Vancouver, Canada.

410 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1Z3, Canada