Seller FAQs

What type of AI solutions can be sold on CleverPlato?

We sell any AI-related solution that provides value to businesses in their operations.

Products can include software, infrastructure, equipment, code, services to mention a few. 

Contact us to determine if your solution can be sold on CleverPlato. 

Who can list solutions on CleverPlato?

We work with all size organizations. From start-ups to large corporations.

You must however be a registered legal entity to sign a seller's agreement. 

Are sellers limited to North America?

No. Sellers can be based worldwide.

How do I sell my solution on CleverPlato?

Please provide us more information about your AI-related product. Click here to access the "Sell on marketplace" page.

How do I make my solution a 'featured product' on CleverPlato?

You can feature your product on the marketplace by contacting us for more information on rates. Please click here to access the "Advertise and promote your product" page.

How do I advertise on CleverPlato?

Contact us for more information on available advertising and promotion options as well as rates. Please click here to access the "Advertise and promote your product" page.

How do I update my product information on CleverPlato?

Your registered seller contact person needs to provide us with updated product content.

Marketplace Seller Support

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